About Me

I was a member of Kavosh Robotics Team, in which we created and programmed rescue robots to participate in the Robocup competitions. We had the honor of achieving several top prizes in the Robocup competitions held in Iran, Japan, Canada, and Australia. Working as a member of the team sparked my interests in Artificial Intelligence and Computer Vision.

In the past few years, I have worked in various organizations. One of which is the Kavosh Creativity House, in which me and my co-workers designed educational robot kits, and taught programming and basic electronics to middle and high school students.

I also had the privilege of joining the Iranian Robocup National Committee and being a technical committee member in the Autonomous Vehicles league of the National Robocup Competitions. In summer 2023, I became a research intern for Genzel Lab at Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behavior. I have worked on object tracking and extracting data from rodents' movement and behavior, along with synchronizing the LFP signals with the position of the rodents' body parts.


IAU Science and Research - Tehran

Computer Engineering B.Sc. since November 2019

My decision to study at this university has helped me spend more time and effort honing my programming and teaching skills. I improved my C/Python programming and started learning various topics related to Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Machine Vision, and Data Science. I had the chance to become a teaching assistant for my professors in courses mostly related to ML/DL. I am also preparing an article about proposing a DL model with my supervisor, Prof. Bolhasani.


Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition, and Behaviour - Genzel Lab

Research Intern, Data Scientist Summer 2023

Under the supervision of Prof. Lisa Genzel and Dr. Abdelrahman Rayan, I had the opportunity to extract and analyze the behavior of rodents in a special arena with various tools and programs such as DeepLabCut. The main goal was to analyze and detect body parts in several video recordings of rodents, generate various plots and data for post-analysis such as occupancy map and rodent velocity, and synchronize the LFP brain signals recorded from the rodents with the trial videos to study the spikes and reactions within the brain.

Iranian Robocup National Committee

Team Member, Technical Committee, Organizing Committee since June 2017

I participated in the international Robocup competitions in 2017 Japan and 2018 Canada as a member of the IRNC and Kavosh. I also became a member of the Organizing Committee for the 2018 Asia-Pacific Robocup, and 2020, 2022, and 2023 IranOpen Robocup. for 2022 and 2023, the “National Robocup Committee of Iran” and our university decided to host the annual IranOpen Robocup Competitions on our own university grounds. And I had the honor of becoming a member of the Technical Committee for the Autonomous Vehicles League. For the competitions, I designed the elements and challenges for the arena, refereed the participating teams, and introduced and presented the league alongside the whole IranOpen Robocup Competitions for visitors and reporters.

Kavosh Creativiy House

Shareholder, Teacher, Graphic Designer May 2019 - Dec 2021

During my time on the robotics team, my teammates and I became aware of the vastness of robotics and technology in improving our lives. We wondered how we could educate other Iranian children and make them interested. That is why, after high school, we decided to create a start-up company dedicated to offering robotics education in schools, aiming to spark all students’ interest in these fields. We regarded providing this education as our social responsibility. Alongside many other hired teachers, we taught programming languages, basic electronics, and soldering methods. We also created educational kits for programming and robotics, each accompanied by a specialized curriculum. Moreover, our start-up successfully established a branch in the Ardebil province, where we continued teaching the same subjects.


As a data science enthusiast, I have had the opportunity to explore and learn about a variety of technologies in my journey to learn how to code. I am constantly seeking out new tools and resources to expand my knowledge and skills.

  • Python
  • PyTorch
  • TensorFlow
  • C
  • C++
  • linux